News of Capital Markets

Saturday, October 22, 2005


【明報專訊】印度股市是今年以來表現凌厲的亞洲區股市,SENSEX指數今年以來上升了25%,已創出歷史新高,而資金持續流入亦得以令股市長升長有。首 域投資高級投資經理Vijay Tohani認為,印度將會是亞洲區兩個透過結構改革,而享有高增長的故事其中之一,他相信未來兩類股票的增長空間最值得看好,分別是消費股和基建股。

廣 告

印 度的增長是無可置疑的,上周印度便公布了第二季的經濟增長,按年升幅達到8.1%,較第一季的7%還要高。當中要留意的是,今年印度的雨季來得比平均遲, 令印度其中一個經濟支柱——漁農業的增長只有2%,但製造業增長11.3%和服務業增長9.8%,加上今年第三季雨季的雨量較平均高,相信10月農作物收 成期會有不錯的成績,估計今年經濟增長不難達到7%或以上。

Vijay Tohani指出,印度是亞洲區難得的成功改革的故事,而相比於中國,印度的改革過程是遲了10至15年,他相信印度隨降低關稅,與及具競爭力的工業冒升,未來印度將進入類似中國的經濟起飛期。

人口多屬年青人 添增長動力


另一方面,印度的工業正處於擴張階段,Vijay Tohani指出現時大部分的工業設備使用率,都在80%或以上,而很多工廠正打算增加資源,以擴展廠房和生產設備,這都帶動就業率上升,與及人民消費情緒。

必需品滲透率低 消費前景佳

Vijay Tohani認為最具吸引力的股份,是消費和基建兩大範圍。他指出,印度的消費前景可長期看好,是基於低滲透率,與及整體人口收入增加所致。現時大量生活 必需品,其滲透率仍是極低,例如每一千名印度人口中,電視機數目只有83部,而擁有手提電話的亦只得52人,相對於中國的350和269部,其增長空間仍 是很大。

另外,隨印度經濟起飛,家庭收入亦隨之上升,低收入家庭(年收入在45000印度盧布下)佔整體家庭數目,由97至98年的 48%,急降至現時的 3%,而中至高收入家庭(年收入9萬盧布或以上),則由97至98年的17%,增至73%。故此,生活水平應逐漸上升,對消費品的需求未來只會持續上升。


至於基建股,印度現時仍處於起步階段,但要印度經濟持續增長,基建方面必須追上來。Vijay Tohani相信,繼開放電訊和公路後,未來以電力和港口兩類股票將最受惠開放政策。

而除了消費和基建股外,Vijay Tohani亦看好一些受惠於外判工序的高增值行業,例如科技股、藥業股與及工程股。

不 過,Vijay Tohani亦指出,印度股市不無風險,其中最大的風險在於高油價。現時印度與中國的情極為相似,兩國都是原油入口大國,印度入口中,有接近三成為原油 有關。但是與此同時,由於恐怕高油價(尤其是高柴油價)會影響農民的生計,故此都壓低國內汽油和柴油價格,而印度政府仍為汽油和柴油進行補貼。


這 現象令印度政府的財政情轉弱,今年4至6月,印度已有158億美元的貿易赤字,而財政赤字亦已達62億美元。然而今年以來,印度盧布只是輕微貶值,除了 是印度外匯儲備,仍較其外債多100億美元外,外資流入購買印度股票亦是支持匯價的一個因素。根據印度股票交易所顯示,今年4月至9月,外資在印度股票的 淨買入金額多達48億美元。

明報記者 林達鑫

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

HSBC goes for the big time

HSBC goes for the big time

Harry Wilson 3 Oct 2005

World’s local bank has turned round its equity business

Winning a sole mandate by default to run the flotation of, the internet gambling company, may not be one of the year’s most prestigious deals, but it underlines the progress HSBC is making in European equity capital markets.
For a company that calls itself the world’s local bank, the gap in its primary equity business has been a source of shame. Over the past three years, HSBC has established a strong presence in the debt markets as a bookrunner of bond deals, but success in equity markets has been elusive. However, a reshuffle of the equity business and a handful of appointments is bearing fruit.

The change began last year, when John Studzinski, head of investment banking at HSBC, appointed Daniel Palmer from Morgan Stanley as global head of ECM, to allow Russell Julius, the previous head, to focus on Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Palmer has spent the past year building his team. In March, he hired three senior bankers, bringing in Paddy Burrowes, deputy head of pan-European equity sales trading at Deutsche Bank, to take charge of the global equity syndicate, as well as George Pavey from Credit Suisse First Boston to lead the bank�s Asian business, and Alex Caramella from UBS to cover financial institutions and southern Europe.
The London float of internet gambling company was one of the most closely watched equity deals of September, throwing an unusually bright spotlight on its sole bookrunner.

HSBC cannot claim to have won the deal in the most glorious circumstances, only getting the mandate after the original bookrunner, CSFB, dropped out because of US legal concerns over internet gambling.

The growth in HSBC’s business is real enough. This year, the bank has worked on global equity deals totalling $8bn (€6.6bn), over half from its Emea business, where the bank led deals worth $4.3bn; a 184% increase on the same period last year.